Tropical Hardwoods

We work with both Dalmann Timbers and Hobbyholz to deliver the finest quality turning blanks to our customers.

We have worked with Dalmann for some years and have visited the operation to help with the submission and approval of government funding and to assist in the business planning for the whole Dalmann team. This remains our favoured and best environmentally sustainable exotic turning timbers, which are sourced and supplied directly from Mozambique.

Bringing Mozambican hardwood turning blanks and rustic slabs to Europe, Dalmann UK imports turning bowl blanks and square directly from Dalmann in Mozambique.

It all starts with detailed and intricate planning. The guiding documents are the Forest Management Plan, Forest Inventory and Environmental Impact Assessment but the planning had to be far more detailed. The Dalmann concession is divided into 27 rotational blocks. Prior to operations starting Integrated Forest Inventories are conducted which entails detailed plotting of all viable trees, mapping roads, identifying and protecting wildlife areas, nesting birds, insect colonies and cultural sites.

Low volume and low impact felling and extraction is fundamental to a sustainable harvest. Dalmann extracts 2,400M3 of logs per year from the 25,000 hectare concession. Based on a 27 year rotational cycle extraction rates are below 2.3M3 per hectare. 

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Following on from the closure of The Toolpost in September 2020, the manufacturing, wholesale distribution and retailing of many of our own-brand products was transferred to Beaufort Ink
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